Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Pintrest Workouts"

If you're on Pinterest you've seen them, all the "at home" workouts being pinned. But which ones are the best? Do any of them work? Are any of them worth it?
I set out to find an answer. This is my first market testing article. I ask 3 friends to try 3 different workouts I found on Pinterest and see what they thought. I had these lovely ladies do the workouts for 2 weeks - not very long but generally the amount of time people give to a workout before they want to see some kind of results.

One Room Cardio was performed by Becky R. She's a lovely mother of 1 who has been very dedicated to loosing her baby weight and has done an amazing job. She's a swimmer by trade but was willing to give this workout a go for me. (this workout was found HERE )

Our next workout "The 100 Workout" was performed by my good friend from college Kim F. Kim is an amazing woman who juggles a full-time job, 2 large dogs, a bunny and helping her hubby who has been working on starting up a welding business. This lady can multi-task like nobody's business. Kim loves yoga, and trying out new workout regimes, so it was no surprise when she was game to try this test. (this workout was found HERE

Our last workout "At Home Circuit Workout" was done by Sheri W. Sheri is my hubby's cousin, so being that she's family I made her do this. hahaha Just kidding. This mother of 4 is a big fan of the different Pinterest workouts, and has a full fitness board of all kinds of helpful things she's found. She's a runner and continued her running while fitting this in on her off days. She's hardcore! 
(this workout was found HERE )

Here's what you've all been waiting for!! THE RESULTS!!

One Room Cardio
In Becky's own words:
My forearm measurements went down. My thighs went down. Basically, everything but hips, waist and chest. It wasn't by a lot. But my left and right arms/legs evened out. Before hand they were close to an inch apart and now they are all in the same inch.
 I weighed 128.1. I was feeling good and I was down 1.8 making me 126.3! 
I kept a journal and overall theme was-- it was easy. When it was hot outside it was more difficult. It only got easier as the days went on. The whole time it felt like a good warm up for the "real thing". It was really energizing. For days I cant go to the gym or if I need a pick me up, I'll probably go back to it. Honestly, it made me look for more fitness things on pinterest to do. I found an ab work out I just started!

Sounds like it was a good workout all in all

The 100 Workout
In Kim's own words:
This workout is a great lower body workout! But it's not for the faint of heart (or legs). I really enjoyed the simplicity of the format and exercises. It provides a solid leg workout with squats and jumping jacks but also provides some ab work with leg lifts and crunches. Because of the number of repetitions you're doing at a time, I really "felt the burn" and was definitely left sore, the good, kind the next day. 

Results...I don't actually own a scale, so I'm not sure on weight, but the rest of my measurements stayed about the same for my legs and arms. I did lose 1/4 inch around my waist. More than that, I really felt my abs and legs firm and tone during this routine, but didn't notice major muscle growth or weight loss during my sessions.

This workout plan does take a really long time to complete. I work out pretty routinely and it still took me 50 minutes the first time around, not including my 30 minutes of cardio and a stretching routine. I've been able to cut it down to between 30-40 minutes each time. There is also no upper body component. If you're looking for a quick full body workout this isn't it, but it definitely will work your legs, abs, and butt!

I'm excited to try this as a lower body and core workout!

At Home Circuit Workout
In Sheri's own words:
Here are my results.  I thought it was a good work out but I think if I did it every single day then I would get bored.  I never really noticed if it got easier.  I think if I did it for more weeks it would get easier. I noticed also that I really didn't have any big change in my measurements but was thinking that since I already workout that it would probably take more like six weeks to see good results compared to someone that is just barely starting to workout.
My Measurements went down by 1/4 of an inch in almost every area. 

Not huge measurement differences but not bad for only 2 weeks of work! 

Thanks ladies for your hard work!!! I'd love to hear from any of my readers if they have found a great circuit on Pinterest!! 

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