Friday, April 27, 2012

Baby and Me Workout Phase 1

Let me paint the picture: Kids are down for a nap or still asleep in the morning and you turn on your workout video and rush through your workout so that you can finish before they wake up in the morning. Or you baby wakes up mid-workout and you then have to stop to entertain them. OR even more likely you day gets filled up before you know it with preschool, playgroups, feeding kids, cleaning up the toys for the 6 millionth time, work or any of the other activities that fill up Mommy's day. 10:00PM you crawl in bed and realize "I haven't worked out at all today". Well I'm here to help!!! This is Phase 1 of my series called... wait for it, it's a clever name... Working Out With Kids.

This workout is designed for moms (or dads) with newborn to preschool aged kids. I made this video showing you what some of the workouts look like. They are not in order on the video, except by age of baby/child. Watch the video and then print the descriptions and give it a try!! 

Disclaimer: I am not a certified fitness trainer. I am not liable for any injuries incurred while doing these workouts. Always consult your doctor before starting a new workout regiment. 
New Born Workout:
(This can be done after your doc has cleared you to workout again after labor)
Age- newborn to 2 

  • Baby step-ups (if you have stairs or a step box) 
  • High Knees
  • Baby lunges (on video) This might be one that your body may not be ready to do right away!!
  • Baby Squats (on video) again one you might want to wait till your body is read (8-10 weeks post-partum)
  • Wall sit (on video)
  • Baby kiss ups (on video) 
  • Bicycles (on video) 
  • Baby Plank 20 seconds 
  • DANCE IT UP!! Put on some music -lay baby on the floor and jam out! It's a great workout! 
Baby who can hold their own head and/or sit up:
(These are the be added to the above workouts)
  • Baby Dead Lifts (on video)
  • Baby Squat and lift (on video)
  • Baby butt ups (on video)
  • Baby Bicep curl (on video)
  • Baby Bench Press (on video)
Toddler Workout:
(You can add these to the above workouts or take out some of the above when your toddler gets to too heavy for some) These are workouts that older toddlers can do with you and enjoy watching

  • ABC Jumping Jacks (on video) My daughter loves to do these with me!
  • Sqaut Jumps 
  • Hunting sprints (sprint in place and go on a bear hunt for fun)
  • "Hop Scotch" Squares (4 corner jumps) I forgot to put this on video.  Email me if you want to explain.
Working out with stroller:
(Great for ages 0-3)

  • Wheels on the Bus (on video) Kids LOVE THIS!!
  • Squat Hold B-I-N-G-O (on video)
  • Lunges with Stroller (on video)
  • Kick backs (on video)
  • Sprint to stroller (on video)
  • Side kicks (on video)
  • Peek-a-boo side squats (on video)
  • Side step circles (on video)

I was going to design a schedule for these workouts but it's hard to mass produce one being that every person (especially after having a baby) is at different fitness levels. I don't want to dish out a schedule and have someone get injured because they weren't ready for an exercise yet. So here's the deal- if you want a PERSONALIZE Baby and Me workout schedule I am happy to work one up for you for $5.00 fee. Contact me at . If you're in the Saginaw area and are interested in a personal or group class let me know, and I'd be more than happy to oblige. 

As always remember to send me your fitness questions!! Look for Phase 2 - Working Out With Kids (for mom's with kids ages 4 - 10) coming soon! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

New To Running (Guest Post)

This post I am doing something a little special!! I had a question this week about running. Even though I love running and have been doing it for the past 8 years I thought it would be nice to hear from someone who is a STELLER runner.

Tia Chapman used to live near me in Utah and we played church volleyball against each other. She is a mother of 4 (you wouldn't know it looking at her!). She is 34 years old and LOVES Triathalons. She's been a runner for about 14 years, and also loves the great outdoors. She has completed  3 marathons, 10 triathlons, a few half-marathons, countless 5 & 10K's, and a bike tour. WOW! On top of all this she's a business owner and an amazing photographer, you can check out her portfolio HERE

Now to the question.

MDF (mom's do fit),

I want to get into running. How should I get started? What are your tips for beginners?


Here is Tia's response:


I'd say if you have decided to start running, the first thing I want to tell you is, "Congratulations!" There is a reason you have made this decision, and I'm proud of anyone who is brave enough to start something new.
Running can be hard. But you can do hard things. And running is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself, in my opinion. If you keep at it, it WILL get easier and easier.
One of the most important things I could say is: Don't quit! No matter what. Unless your leg is broken. Then you can quit until it gets better, but then start over again!
Make sure you have the right SHOES! Go to a specialty running store, where they will analyze your gait, and fit you into the proper shoe. If you don't have the right shoes, you can get injured. You get what you pay for with running shoes. I speak from experience.
Start slow. Don't push yourself too hard at first. Start with small goals, and work up from there.
Find a friend to motivate you, and if possible, run with you! You are MUCH more likely to get out and do it, if you are accountable to someone else.
Sign up for a 5k (3.1 mile) race, and find a training plan. You can find training plans all over the internet for free. But you want a realistic plan. If you've never run before, don't sign up for a 5k that is 5 weeks away. Give yourself 16-20 weeks to train. If you pay for a race, you are more likely to stick with the training and complete your goal. If you have nothing to train for, you won't know how far or how long to run, and you're more likely to stop. ALWAYS have a goal!
The day I decided to run a marathon was after I had completed the 5k race in 2005 that coincides with the SL marathon. I watched the marathon finishers, and they looked like regular people. I thought, "If those people can do it, I can do it." I had never run further than 3.1 miles at one time. The following year, in 2006, I completed the SL marathon, and it was the most rewarding experience of my life.
I'm not saying everyone needs to run 26.2 miles. I'm just telling you that if you DECIDE it in your mind, you can do it! Just make the decision.
The only thing I can add to that is, I know a lot of people have had success doing the Couch 2 5K program. If you're already doing cardiovascular activity for 30 mins 3-5x's per week you should be able to run at a slower pace (5.5 mph) for at least 15 mins. If you're experiencing aches and pains pay attention to them.
Don't get discouraged!!! Continue to strength train. I made this mistake when I started to run. The more you strength train the longer your muscles will be able to work for. Focus on your breathing!!!
Lastly, get some good music on your MP3 and enjoy the time you have using the able body you've been blessed with!
I hope you've enjoyed our guest post. It's always nice to get multiple opinions and fun to hear what's worked for other people. Thank you Tia for your amazing advice, and contribution!! Thanks KF for the question!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Acne- Schmacne

Dear Jamie,

I have a question... Since I started working out again I keep breaking out!!! Any tips to help with that?? I wash my face with cold right after to help close the pores, but that is not working!


Dear N.C.,

You are not alone!! This happens to a lot of people, including your's truly. First let me give you a little background on what's going on-

Breakouts (aka blackheads, pimples, etc) occur when the subaceous glands that produce sebum (oil that keeps skin lubricated, moisturized) get clogged by dirt, dead skin, etc.  During the day your skin gathers toxins and grime from tons of different sources which can clog up these pores.  Once clogged, bacteria can thrive inside and the body responds with inflammation and immune cells that produce pus.  One of the things that helps flush these pores is exercise. It does this by removing both the layer of film and the foreign particles that can cause the immune response that can lead to inflammation.  (can you tell I'm married to a med-student, lol)

"Hold up Jamie!! If exercise is good for my skin why am I breaking out still??"

Here are some of the reasons you might be breaking out:

-Wearing make-up during your workout. It will clog your pores. Wash your make-up off before your workout. I know you want to look good everywhere, but it's not hot when you have make up dripping down your face ladies.

-Wash your hands before and after workout. You pick up all kinds of bacteria and toxins on your hands while working out (ewe! Try not to think of it too hard, it will gross you out).

-Touching your face during workout- I'm super guilty of this!! Carry a CLEAN workout towel with you if you must wipe your sweat, pat it every so often but don't over do it-remember you skin is trying to get rid of the junk.

-Keeping the sweat around too long- Change out of sweaty clothes and shower ASAP. Like I said before the sweat helps get toxins and yuck out, but letting the sweat dry on your skin can leave salt and bacteria around that can clog your pores. Wash with warm water to get the pores washed out and then rinse with cold water to close them.

-Exercising changes normal skin bacteria - Your skin always has bacteria on it - called normal flora.  Exercise can change the proportions of this bacteria and cause more breakouts.

-Sun Damage- wear an oil free moisturiser with sunscreen everyday. Keep that precious skin safe from the sun!!

What to do about it... (Straight from 1/2 Dr. Walpole's typing fingers)
The recommended treatment for mild to moderate breakouts, and something that we've found that works for us, is Benzoyl Peroxide.  It kills the bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) that it implicated as a cause of blackheads, pimples, etc.  It is also the main ingredient for treating acne in Proactiv.  It is in some of the Oxy and other acne products - check the back to make sure it is the active ingredient.  Rub it on the trouble areas after washing, it can take a little rubbing to get it in.  Also, you will want to apply a lotion after the benzoyl peroxide because it tends to dry your skin.  Use a non-comedogenic lotion.  Works great for me!

N.C. Hope this helps!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

The End of Shin Splints

Here is my secret weapon for shin splints. I hope this works for those of you who suffer from them as much as it has worked for me! (PS I know I made a typo in the video with my link and said momsgofit again... sorry but you all know what the link is!!) 

Make sure to share the blog and the Facebook page with all your friends. I'm working on a give-away for when we reach 100 LIKES on Facebook!!!! 

Workout Music

A friend of mine just pinned a website on pintrest that gives you workout music according to your running speed! I can't wait to try it out (HERE) Another good suggestion if you're looking for new workout music (not just for running) is on Amazon the Biggest Looser collection of music tells you BPS (beats per second)- which can help you decide how pumped up you want to get!

Video on how to prevent and help SHIN SPLINTS!! You know you're excited! Tell your friends!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Every Girl Loves Shoes

My first question (one that I get a lot):
K, I need a new pair of shoes for fitness. I'm hoping to walk through suburbia with a stroller, go to metro parks that have paved and unpaved roads and lastly, might want to enjoy the treadmill that we will moving out of storage soon. Any suggestions on style or brand name?

M.G. I get this question a lot, and it is a FANTASTIC question. This probably wont be my only post on choosing the right shoe. 
  1. First things first- what kind of activity you're doing is a big deal. In MG's case she is going to be in the market for a pair of walking shoes. Walkers put more weight on their heel. You are going to want a shoe with good heel support.
  2. If you're in the market for running or walking shoe,s like MG, I always recommend going to a running store and getting your gait checked. STOP! Jamie- you spelled gate wrong! Your gait is your pattern of movement when you walk/run, what your feet and your legs do. This is important!!! In my experience this is will help prevent injury and help your workouts last longer and stronger. 
  3. CONFESSION I have done this, and because of the price of the shoe at the running store at the time I did not buy it- I found it elsewhere on sale months later. I paid the price during those months. BUT if you're on a tight budget this might be the way to go.
  4. The next best suggestion don't wear your shoes longer than they are good for. I am GUILTY of this... for runners/walkers it's recommended to change them out every 300 miles or 1 year. If you're not mile counting and not wearing your shoes for anything but exercise change them out every year. If you're a walker and you wear your shoes for more than just exercise every change them out every 6-8 months.
    - This is where my recommendation comes in for those of you who don't have exercise specific shoes. I find it more budget friendly to buy a pair of workout specific shoes AND cheap casual sneakers. Since you're more than likely to spend the bigger bucks on your workout shoes, buying a pair of cheaper casual sneakers will keep you from wearing out your more expensive pair. 
MG I love Brooks for walking. They are a very sturdy brand and very versatile. I hope this helps! 

Keep those questions coming!!

What it's all about!

Here's what this new blog is all about. I know you're all super excited! Okay, maybe not "pee your pants" excited, but more of the "Yay! Another blog to waste 10 mins of my day" kind of excited.  Here's what this blog is all about--
A few months ago I was really considering what I should finish my degree in. The plan has always been Elementary Ed, but I had been thinking about Exercise Science and getting certified to be a personal trainer. What had changed my mind? Well, lots of things, but in particular at this time I had been going to the gym at my apartment complex to train for 1/2 marathon for the last couple of months. Almost every time without fail there would be a lady in there I'd never seen before and somehow or another the questions would arise about what I do in the gym, how I train, my diet etc, etc. This gets me so excited and revved up about fitness.
Now let's be honest, I'm not the most in shape, skinny or fit person out there. I'd say I'm an average athlete. I can do a 1/2 marathon and keep up with most training just fine. As I got to thinking more about it I began to be more and more about really doing this as a career because I would get so excited talking to these ladies and reading articles. Then, reality set in. I realized that I am a Mom and a Wife, I don't have time to be a fitness model, and that's what people want when they go see a personal trainer. I don't want people constantly judging me about what I look like because of my profession.
So here's the deal- this blog is my way of "training". I am going to be answering questions, posting suggestions, recipes, articles and just about anything related to being a MOM and physically active and in good shape. I want you start sending your fitness questions my way- if I don't have an answer I will find someone that does. There will be a lot of fun and exciting things to come, guest bloggers, workout video tutorials, and give-away's!!  
THIS BLOG IS NOT JUST FOR MOMS!!!!! But it is just for Women!!!
Here's what you can do- Send me an email! Ask me your questions!! ANYTHING! I know you have some! Do it now!! (was that enough convincing?) email me at-

Here are some FUN FITNESS FACTS about Jamie:
- I LOVE sports except soccer (I'm still going to put my kids in it because I know it's a good sport, just not for me)
- I was a college athlete till I under went shoulder surgery.
- I didn't start running as exercise till I was almost 20. 
- I LOVE cooking- cooking healthy food that tastes good is definitely a simple pleasure in my life
- I love to workout with my kids! I have lots of great tips for this to come
- I hate running with my stroller- but it's an AWESOME workout
- I'm always up for trying a new workout- as long as it's not swimming hahaha I don't like swimming- but it again is a FANTASTIC workout. 
- I love, love, love watching my friends make great fitness transformations in their lives and love it even more when I can be there to help them. 

My Motto-
Live first, work hard, and take your family along for the ride! 

My first video is just around the corner!