Friday, April 20, 2012

New To Running (Guest Post)

This post I am doing something a little special!! I had a question this week about running. Even though I love running and have been doing it for the past 8 years I thought it would be nice to hear from someone who is a STELLER runner.

Tia Chapman used to live near me in Utah and we played church volleyball against each other. She is a mother of 4 (you wouldn't know it looking at her!). She is 34 years old and LOVES Triathalons. She's been a runner for about 14 years, and also loves the great outdoors. She has completed  3 marathons, 10 triathlons, a few half-marathons, countless 5 & 10K's, and a bike tour. WOW! On top of all this she's a business owner and an amazing photographer, you can check out her portfolio HERE

Now to the question.

MDF (mom's do fit),

I want to get into running. How should I get started? What are your tips for beginners?


Here is Tia's response:


I'd say if you have decided to start running, the first thing I want to tell you is, "Congratulations!" There is a reason you have made this decision, and I'm proud of anyone who is brave enough to start something new.
Running can be hard. But you can do hard things. And running is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself, in my opinion. If you keep at it, it WILL get easier and easier.
One of the most important things I could say is: Don't quit! No matter what. Unless your leg is broken. Then you can quit until it gets better, but then start over again!
Make sure you have the right SHOES! Go to a specialty running store, where they will analyze your gait, and fit you into the proper shoe. If you don't have the right shoes, you can get injured. You get what you pay for with running shoes. I speak from experience.
Start slow. Don't push yourself too hard at first. Start with small goals, and work up from there.
Find a friend to motivate you, and if possible, run with you! You are MUCH more likely to get out and do it, if you are accountable to someone else.
Sign up for a 5k (3.1 mile) race, and find a training plan. You can find training plans all over the internet for free. But you want a realistic plan. If you've never run before, don't sign up for a 5k that is 5 weeks away. Give yourself 16-20 weeks to train. If you pay for a race, you are more likely to stick with the training and complete your goal. If you have nothing to train for, you won't know how far or how long to run, and you're more likely to stop. ALWAYS have a goal!
The day I decided to run a marathon was after I had completed the 5k race in 2005 that coincides with the SL marathon. I watched the marathon finishers, and they looked like regular people. I thought, "If those people can do it, I can do it." I had never run further than 3.1 miles at one time. The following year, in 2006, I completed the SL marathon, and it was the most rewarding experience of my life.
I'm not saying everyone needs to run 26.2 miles. I'm just telling you that if you DECIDE it in your mind, you can do it! Just make the decision.
The only thing I can add to that is, I know a lot of people have had success doing the Couch 2 5K program. If you're already doing cardiovascular activity for 30 mins 3-5x's per week you should be able to run at a slower pace (5.5 mph) for at least 15 mins. If you're experiencing aches and pains pay attention to them.
Don't get discouraged!!! Continue to strength train. I made this mistake when I started to run. The more you strength train the longer your muscles will be able to work for. Focus on your breathing!!!
Lastly, get some good music on your MP3 and enjoy the time you have using the able body you've been blessed with!
I hope you've enjoyed our guest post. It's always nice to get multiple opinions and fun to hear what's worked for other people. Thank you Tia for your amazing advice, and contribution!! Thanks KF for the question!


  1. Wow! I feel flattered. :) Thanks for the compliments!

  2. Thanks for the reminder and how fun to have Tia featured on here! Tia amazes me and I love seeing her out running all the time especially by my house. She's awesome and beautiful!
